EFSA Focal Point Nieuwsbrief 30 mei 2024


EUBA-EFSA-PLANTS-2024-01 on "Statistical and experimental protocols for estimating pest survey parameters"

Deadline for submission of proposals 4 July 2024, 17:00 CEST

We would like to bring to your attention that the Call for Proposals EUBA-EFSA-PLANTS-2024-01 on "Statistical and experimental protocols for estimating pest survey parameters" has been published. The call documents are available on the EU Funding and Tenders portal ref. EUBA-EFSA-PLANTS-2024-01 and also on the EFSA website.

Call reference: EUBA-EFSA-PLANTS-2024-01

Objectives: this call aims to provide validated protocols to support the MSs in the estimation of the survey parameters required for designing robust pest surveys that are statistically sound and risk based. 

These protocols should be developed for estimating:

  1. the sensitivity of the methods of detection,
  2. the relative risk linked to risk factors that increase the probability of infection of a plant, and
  3. the maximum prevalence that could be successfully eradicated in defined scenarios.

It is a type of grant not linked to costs but based on achievements of results/set milestones. You can find more details under the description of the "Tasks, deliverables and timelines" section in the call documents.

You can apply here.

EUBA-EFSA-2024-BIOHAW-01 on "Pathway to animal welfare quantitative risk assessment: piloting a standardised collection of Animal Based Measures in pigs"

Deadline for submission of proposals: 14 November 2024, 17:00 CEST.

We would like to bring to your attention that the Call for Proposals EUBA-EFSA-2024-BIOHAW-01 on "Pathway to animal welfare quantitative risk assessment: piloting a standardised collection of Animal Based Measures in pigs" has been published. The call documents are available on the EU Funding and Tenders portal ref. EUBA-EFSA-2024-BIOHAW-01 and also on the EFSA website.

Call reference: EUBA-EFSA-2024-BIOHAW-01

The scope of this call is to select (existing and new) animal-based measures (ABMs) and related management-, resources- and environmental- based (so called ‘context’) data from sows and piglets and from different housing systems and practices, including slaughter, to collect in the field on a large scale and in a harmonised way across EU MSs. These data are to be used for developing a freely accessible prototype Database for analysing the correlation between ABMs and related context data and enabling future quantitative risk assessment of the welfare on-farm of sows and piglets.

For more details on objectives, tasks and deliverables consult the call for proposal document (at the above link).

The maximum budget EFSA has available is 1,500,000 € (i.e. 90% of the total eligible project costs); the maximum duration of the Direct Agreement of 36 months from the kick-off meeting.

You can apply here.


174th Plenary meeting of the FEEDAP Panel open for observers

Parma and on line, 4-6 June 2024

Please find for you information here that 174th Plenary meeting of the FEEDAP Panel is open to Observers.

The meeting will take place in EFSA premises, Parma from 4 June 2024, 09.00 to 6 June 2024, 13.00 (CEST).

The open session will be the 5th June 2024 from 14.00 to 18.00 and the 6th June 2024 from 09.00 to 13.00.

The draft agenda is published here.

Those interested in attending the open plenary meeting as observers should read the Guidelines for Observers.

BfR Academy Symposium on Aquatic toxins 

Berlin, 10-11 June 2024

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment is looking forward to welcome the scientific community to the Aquatic Toxins symposium.

Aquatic Toxins are derived from many sources and exist in different forms, presenting invisible dangers to human health. The scope of the symposium is to exchange relevant scientific information towards a better understanding of aquatic toxins, through their formation, impacts, analytics, toxicology, and case studies.

The symposium will start on Monday, 10 June 2024, at 13:00 h and will end on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, at 15:00 h.

You can register at this link.